Mary Olivia Freeman was born to Rosemary (Boyd)Greene and Robert E.Greene Sr. on June 2, 1931 in New Rochelle, NY.
Olivia as she was known to friends and family,grew up around a large family in New Rochelle NY. While attending New Rochelle High School in 1946, she met Chester Freeman Jr. at Hudson Park, New Rochelle NY. Olivia graduated high school and went on to attend, and graduate from The McDowell School of Design and Dress making in June 1951. Olivia and Chester later married on December 23, 1951. There marriage spaned 56 years until her passing.
Olivia was a professional seamstress and designer,who could design dresses,coats,and childrens clothes from her own patterns and designs.One of her hobbies was embroidery and cross-stitch. An avid doll and teddy bear designer, she made dolls and teddy bears for loved ones and many friends.
After two of her oldest children were on their own, Olivia went back to the workforce in 1975.Olivia was employed as a fabric consultant in Yonkers NY., worked for NYS Unemployment Division., NYS Taxation and Finance, Harlem Valley Psychiatric Hospital and NYS Dept of Motor Vehicles. Olivia's last employment was with The City of New Rochelle NY, Office of Taxation from which she retired in 1996.
She is survived by her 93 year old mother, Rosemary Williams, her beloved husband Chester Freeman Jr., her son Chester Freeman III, daughters, Crystal R. Slaton and Cassandra Freeman. Olivia was blessed with three beautiful granddaughters, Erica R. Freeman, Candace D. Bryant, Morgan B. Freeman, and a delightful great granddaughter Bryce Lanae H. Russell.
She will also be missed by her two brothers and one sister of South Carolina. She was loved by aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews,cousins as well as many friends.Olivia is pre-deceased by her younger brother Robert Greene Jr. of New Rochelle,and James Greene of South Carolina.
Mary Olivia was a wonderful wife to her husband, a devoted daughter, a loving mother,a caring grandmother, and a loyal friend. Her Light will forever shine in our hearts. Her kindness and dignity will always be an example of the life she lived and shared with others.